Used To vs. Be Used To vs. Get Used To
1. Used to:
"Used to" is used for repeated past actions or states that no longer happen.
Example: "She used to swim every week". This means she swam every week in the past but does not do so anymore.
2. Be Used to:
"Be used to" is used for things that are normal or familiar. It is followed by a gerund (verb + ing).
Example: "I am used to waking up at 5 am". This means waking up at 5 am is normal or familiar to the speaker.
3. Get Used to:
"Get used to" is used when something becomes normal after a period of adjustment. It implies a process of becoming accustomed to something. It is also followed by a gerund.
Example: "I got used to drinking milk when I was living in France". This means drinking milk became normal for the speaker after some time living in France.
By understanding these distinctions, you can improve your English fluency and clarity. Practice using "used to", "be used to", and "get used to" in sentences to get more comfortable with their meanings and correct usage.
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