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To pull strings

"To Pull Strings" Meaning

Understand the business expression "to pull strings" and how to use it in English conversations.

"To pull strings" means to use your power or influence to achieve a desired outcome that would otherwise be difficult or impossible. 

Imagine a puppet. When you pull its strings, it moves as you want it to. Similarly, when someone "pulls strings", they use their connections or influence to control or achieve something.

For example: "She managed to get the project approved on time by pulling some strings with upper management".

This phrase is often used in professional settings to describe leveraging personal connections to facilitate actions or decisions.

Understanding and using idiomatic expressions like "to pull strings" can make your English sound more natural and sophisticated. It reflects a deeper grasp of the language and can be particularly useful in business or professional environments.

Business expressions - ElementaryVocabularyBusiness EnglishElementary

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