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Talking leadership

Leadership Qualities Q&A Practice: Enhance Your Business English

Practice your business English with C1 level questions on leadership qualities in this interactive video.

This video offers a unique Q&A practice session designed for C1 level learners to help you refine your skills.

In this exercise, you'll be asked three questions in blue, and you'll respond with the provided replies in red. Let's dive into the practice:

  • Question: Would you consider yourself to be a great leader? Why or why not?
    Response: I would say so, I have extensive experience managing teams of all sizes.
  • Question: What personality traits does a business owner need to have to be a good leader?
    Response: Being an expert within the field, as well as having empathy are the most important skills, I believe.
  • Question: Would you prefer to work for yourself or for someone else? Why?
    Response: I would definitely prefer working for myself; however, I still need to brainstorm what kind of business I can start.

Engaging in this Q&A practice helps you articulate your thoughts on leadership, enhances your vocabulary, and boosts your confidence in business settings. Watch the video to participate in the exercise and elevate your leadership communication skills.

Interviews: Company & job specifics - Upper intermediateConversationBusiness EnglishUpper Intermediate

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