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Spelling: American or British? 2

British vs American Spelling (Part 5): More Common Variations

Learn more about British and American spelling differences in this video. Test your understanding with these spelling examples!

Are you confident in distinguishing between British and American spelling? It can be a challenge, even for seasoned English speakers! In this video, we highlight more spelling differences that often confuse learners.

Take the word "anaesthesia". This is the British spelling, which uses the "ae" combination. However, in American English, it’s simplified to "anesthesia", dropping the "a". Another common difference is "fulfill", the American version, which is spelled "fulfil" in British English, omitting one "l" in the middle.

Lastly, consider "programme". In British English, "programme" is the preferred spelling when referring to a TV show or a plan of action. However, in American English, "program" is used universally, regardless of context.

Understanding these spelling variations is crucial for mastering English and writing effectively, whether you prefer British or American standards. Watch our video to learn more about these and other spelling differences and to test your spelling skills!

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