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Rude vs polite: Requests 2

Polite vs. Rude Requests in English

Improve your English communication skills by learning how to make polite requests instead of rude demands. Speak professionally and respectfully.

In English, the way you phrase a request can make a big difference in how people respond. Polite language helps you sound more professional and friendly, while rude requests can seem demanding or aggressive.

Here are some examples:
• Rude: I need that report now!
Polite: Could you please send me the report when you get a chance?
• Rude: That’s not my problem! Deal with it yourself!
Polite: I’m sorry, but I can’t assist with that right now. Can I help later?
• Rude: You’re late with the project again! Get it done!
Polite: Could we please get an update on the project’s progress?

Using polite phrases like “Could you please” and “I’m sorry, but” makes your requests more respectful and improves communication. Practice using these polite forms to sound more natural and professional in English conversations!

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