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Ramification: Meaning and Usage

Learn to use "ramification" instead of "consequence" to sound more professional in your business communications.

"Ramification" can be used as an alternative to "consequence". While "consequence" often carries a negative connotation, "ramification" is more neutral and can be used to discuss the outcomes of decisions without implying negativity.

For example:

  • Incorrect: If you want to change the strategy, you definitely need to think about the possible consequences.
  • Correct: If you want to change the strategy, you definitely need to think about the possible ramifications.

By using "ramification", you can convey a more thoughtful and measured consideration of outcomes. Our video lesson provides a clear explanation of how to use this term effectively in your sentences.

Watch the video now to learn how to incorporate "ramification" into your vocabulary. 

Office Talk - AdvancedVocabularyGeneral EnglishBusiness EnglishAdvanced

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