Present Perfect for Ongoing Actions
The present perfect tense is key for describing actions that started in the past and continue to the present. For example, when someone asks, “How long have you lived here?” you can respond with either the present perfect or present perfect continuous tense.
Use the present perfect for a sense of permanence: “I have lived here since 2015.” This focuses on the fact that the action is complete up to now. Alternatively, the present perfect continuous emphasizes the ongoing nature of the action: “I’ve been living here since 2015.” Both are correct, but the nuance differs slightly.
When mentioning a duration, you can say, “I’ve lived here for five years.” Remember: “Since” refers to a starting point in time, while “for” refers to the duration of the action.
Avoid common mistakes, like using the simple present: “I live here since 2015.” Instead, always pair “since” or “for” with the present perfect: “I have lived here since 2015” or “I’ve been living here for five years.”
With these tips, you’ll confidently use the present perfect to express ongoing actions in conversations. Keep practicing to perfect your grammar!
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