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Corporate Jargon Decoded: What They Really Mean

Understand common corporate jargon and what it really means to improve your workplace communication skills.

Corporate jargon can be confusing, but understanding its true meaning is essential for professional communication. Let’s break down some phrases:
• A: I hear you.
B: I’m going to completely ignore this.
While “I hear you” sounds polite, it often means the speaker doesn’t plan to act on your input.
• A: Good point, but…
B: Now, let me tell you why you’re wrong.
This phrase acknowledges your idea before shifting focus to a counterpoint, often dismissing your suggestion.
• A: Let’s put a pin in that.
B: Let’s bury this idea for good.
While it implies revisiting the idea later, it often signals a polite way of discarding it.

Recognizing these hidden meanings can help you navigate workplace conversations with confidence and clarity. Watch the video to learn how to spot and respond to corporate jargon effectively!

Corporate talk - Upper intermediateTipsBusiness EnglishUpper Intermediate

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