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Mountain pronunciation

How to Pronounce Mountain Correctly

Struggling with pronouncing "mountain"? Watch our video guide and master it effortlessly.

Mastering English pronunciation can be tricky, especially with words like "mountain." Many learners often mispronounce it, leading to confusion. Our video provides a step-by-step guide to help you pronounce "mountain" correctly.


In the video, you'll learn the correct way to say "mountain" through a fun and engaging method. First, observe the hand gesture demonstration, then repeat after the instructor. Break the word into two parts: "Mau" and "Nnn." Combine them smoothly to say "mountain" accurately.


By practicing along with the video, you'll notice an improvement in your pronunciation. Remember, it's not "mountAin" or "mountEIn" but simply "mountain." Keep practicing, and soon, you'll be able to say it confidently like a native speaker.


Watch the video now and perfect your pronunciation of "mountain." Happy learning!

Pronunciation Lesson - ElementaryPronunciationGeneral EnglishElementary

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