Low-Hanging Fruit: What It Means
In business and everyday language, the expression “low-hanging fruit” refers to the tasks or goals that are easiest to achieve. When we say, “Let’s tackle the low-hanging fruit first,” we mean starting with the simplest tasks or problems that require minimal effort and give quick results.
The idea behind this phrase is that, just like the lowest fruit on a tree, these tasks are easy to reach and don’t require much work to achieve. Once the easier tasks are out of the way, you can move on to more complex or challenging objectives.
For example, in a project, if you have several tasks to complete, you might prioritize those that are straightforward or require less time. This approach helps build momentum and makes tackling bigger, more difficult tasks feel more manageable.
Using the term “low-hanging fruit” is a great way to describe quick wins in any field, and it’s especially common in business and project management settings. Practice using it to enhance your vocabulary and sound more confident in discussions!
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