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"Kibosh" Meaning

Improve your business English with uncommon words like "kibosh". Learn its meaning and usage in our video.

"Kibosh" means to put a stop to something immediately. It is often used when something is going off track or needs to be halted quickly.

For example: "It was a stressful job that put the kibosh on their relationship".

In this sentence, "put the kibosh on" means the stressful job caused their relationship to end abruptly.

Using "kibosh" in business contexts can help you sound more sophisticated and assertive. For instance, "We need to put the kibosh on this project before it drains more resources". Here, "put the kibosh on" indicates the necessity to stop the project to prevent further resource wastage.

Enhancing your vocabulary with unique words like "kibosh" will make you a more effective and versatile communicator.

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