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ISH Meaning: What Does -ISH Mean?

Discover the meaning and usage of "-ish" in informal English with this helpful video lesson.

Have you ever come across the expression "-ish"? It’s a versatile suffix that can be quite handy in everyday informal English. This video breaks down its meaning and usage, making it easy to understand and incorporate into your vocabulary.

What does -ish mean?

The term "-ish" means "to some extent" or "kind of". It’s often used to describe something that isn’t exactly one way or another but falls somewhere in between. For example: "Did you like the food? Uh, Ish...". This response means the person kind of liked the food but wasn’t completely satisfied.

How to use -ish as a suffix?

"-ish" can also be added to the end of words to convey a sense of approximation or similarity. For example: "What color is the bag? It is yellowish.". This indicates that the bag is somewhat yellow, but not exactly pure yellow.

"-ish" is best used in informal settings. It adds a casual, conversational tone to your speech, making it perfect for everyday interactions.

Watch the video to see these examples in action and learn how to use "-ish" naturally in your conversations.

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