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Top 3 English Idioms to Express “First Come, First Served”

Learn three idioms that native English speakers use to highlight the benefits of being early.

In English, there are several idioms used to express the idea that those who arrive first often get the best opportunities. Here are the top three idioms you should know:

  • Early bird catches the worm: This popular idiom means that those who start or arrive early are more likely to succeed. It's often used to encourage promptness and initiative.
  • Success is for first comers: This phrase highlights the advantage of being first in line or the first to act. It suggests that those who take action early are the ones who achieve success.
  • You snooze, you lose!: This informal and catchy phrase warns that if you delay or take too long, you'll miss out on opportunities. It's a reminder to stay alert and proactive.

By incorporating these idioms into your vocabulary, you'll not only enhance your English skills but also understand a common cultural concept valued in many English-speaking countries. Practice using them in sentences to become more fluent and confident in your English conversations. Remember, being early has its perks!

Business expressions - ElementaryTipsGeneral EnglishElementary

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