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Idioms 4

Impress with Common English Idioms (Part 4): Essential Expressions

Enhance your English skills by mastering common idioms to impress your teacher and classmates with your fluency and expression.

Here are three useful idioms that will help you stand out in English conversations and impress those around you.

  • Easier Said Than Done: This idiom means that something appears simple but is actually difficult to accomplish. For example, "Quitting your job and traveling the world is easier said than done." This expression is perfect for highlighting the gap between talking about something and actually doing it, adding depth to your conversations.
  • Break a Leg: Instead of saying "good luck," use the idiom "break a leg." Commonly used in performance settings, this phrase is a lighthearted way to wish someone success. For example, "You have a big presentation tomorrow? Break a leg!" It adds a friendly, encouraging tone to your wishes.
  • Go the Extra Mile: Replace "make an extra effort" with "go the extra mile." This idiom is ideal for describing someone who puts in extra effort to achieve something. For instance, "She always goes the extra mile for her clients." It conveys dedication and a strong work ethic, making your descriptions more impactful.
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