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Family pronunciation

Correct Pronunciation of "Family"

Learn how to pronounce the word "family" correctly in English with our quick and easy video lesson.

Pronouncing English words correctly can be challenging, especially when they look like they have more syllables than they actually do. One common word that often trips people up is "family." In this video, we break down the correct pronunciation to help you master it.

If you said something like "fae-mee-lee" or "fae-mee-lai", you can improve it. Even if it looks like it has three syllables, we pronounce it like it has two: fam·lee.

By practicing this simplified pronunciation, you can sound more natural and fluent. It's important to remember that while the word looks longer, the correct pronunciation is shorter and smoother. Watch our video, practice along, and improve your English pronunciation.

Family and friends - BeginnerPronunciationGeneral EnglishBeginner

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