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Asking for extra leg room

Flight Check-In and Seat Preferences: English Conversation Practice

This video teaches English phrases used during flight check-in and seat selection, perfect for improving travel communication skills.

In this video, you will learn how to handle a flight check-in and make seat preferences in English. The conversation between David and Michelle covers common phrases for checking in, selecting window or aisle seats, and even discussing seat upgrades. David begins by handing his passport to the check-in agent and asking for an aisle seat, which refers to the seats next to the walkway. He also requests more legroom but learns that the emergency exit seats are fully booked. The dialogue ends with a humorous twist, where David considers upgrading to business class but ultimately decides to stick with a regular seat after learning the cost. This lesson is ideal for travelers who want to feel confident when flying and improve their English skills in real-world scenarios.

Transport and travel - Upper intermediateTipsGeneral EnglishUpper Intermediate

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