Useful expressions for emails
Useful Expressions for Business Emails
Learn useful email expressions when writing business email.
Writing professional emails in English requires knowledge of specific expressions that convey your message clearly and efficiently.
Here are 3 useful expressions for email you need to know.
- ASAP (As Soon As Possible). Use "ASAP" when something is urgent and requires a quick response. Including it in the subject line can prompt a faster reply. Example: "Please send the report ASAP".
- Moving you to bcc. Use this phrase when replying to email introductions to save someone's time by removing them from further conversations. Example: "Thanks for the introduction. Moving you to bcc to continue the discussion".
- Cc'ing somebody. "Cc" stands for "carbon copy" and means copying someone in the email so they can follow the conversation. Example: "I'm cc'ing John on this email so he can stay updated on the project".
Understanding when and how to use these email expressions ensures that your emails are clear and concise.
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