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Email correspondence

Email: Casual vs. Professional

Improve your email writing by learning the difference between casual and professional phrases. Communicate clearly and effectively in any situation.

Writing emails in English requires choosing the right tone based on the situation. Casual emails use simple, friendly language, while professional emails are more formal and polite. Here are some common examples:
• Casual: Did you get my email?
• Professional: Have you received my email?
• Casual: I wanted to ask about my last email.
• Professional: I’m writing to follow up on my previous email.
• Casual: Can you send me the details?
• Professional: Could you kindly provide me with the details?
• Casual: Let me know if you need more info.
• Professional: Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require further information.
• Casual: I’ll get back to you soon.
• Professional: I will follow up with you shortly.

Understanding these differences helps you sound professional at work while keeping casual emails friendly and natural.

Emails - IntermediateWritingBusiness EnglishIntermediate

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