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"Elaborate" Meaning

Improve your English vocabulary by learning the meaning and usage of the word 'elaborate'.

"Elaborate" means to provide more details or explain something in greater depth. Using this word can help you sound more professional and articulate in various contexts, such as meetings or discussions.

For example, if you are in a meeting and need clarification, instead of saying "What do you mean?", you can say "Could you elaborate on that?". This phrase politely requests more information, demonstrating your understanding and engagement in the conversation.

Consider these scenarios where "elaborate" can be used:

  • During a presentation: "Could you elaborate on the statistics mentioned in your report?".
  • In a classroom: "Can you elaborate on the concept of quantum mechanics?".
  • In everyday conversations: "I didn't quite catch that. Could you elaborate?".

Using "elaborate" not only helps in gaining a clearer understanding but also shows your attentiveness and interest in the subject matter. Watch our video and practice using "elaborate" in different contexts. 

Smart Words - Upper intermediateVocabularyGeneral EnglishBusiness EnglishUpper Intermediate

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