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Don't always say Congratulations

Other Ways to Say "Congratulations"

Learn fun and engaging alternatives to saying "congratulations" to make your compliments more exciting and varied.

Tired of always saying "congratulations"? Spice up your compliments with these fantastic alternatives. Whether you're celebrating a friend's success or acknowledging a colleague's achievement, 6 expressions below will make your praise stand out.

  • "Way to Go!": A cheerful and enthusiastic way to show approval and admiration.
  • "Props!": A casual and modern slang term for giving recognition.
  • "Hats Off": A traditional expression of respect and admiration.
  • "A Round of Applause": A phrase that suggests giving someone public recognition and praise.
  • "Kudos!": A versatile word that can be used in both formal and informal contexts.
  • "Nailed It!": An informal and enthusiastic way to acknowledge someone who has done something exceptionally well.

Practice incorporating these expressions into your conversations to enhance your vocabulary and sound more like a native speaker.

Small Talk - IntermediateTipsGeneral EnglishIntermediate

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