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Doctor speak: Diseases

Medical Terms in Plain English

Understanding medical terms can be challenging. Learn simple explanations for common medical words to improve your English and communicate better.

Medical professionals often use complex terms that can be confusing for patients. Learning their plain English equivalents makes communication easier and helps you understand health-related conversations.

For example, instead of “febrile,” you can say “having a fever.” “Tachycardia” simply means “fast heart rate,” and “hypertension” refers to “high blood pressure.” If a doctor mentions “dyspnea,” they are talking about “difficulty breathing.” Feeling extremely tired? The medical term for that is “fatigue.” And if you feel sick to your stomach, you are experiencing “nausea.”

By knowing these plain English translations, you can better describe symptoms to doctors, understand medical advice, and feel more confident discussing health topics. Keep learning and expanding your vocabulary for clearer communication!

Visiting the doctor - IntermediateVocabularyGeneral EnglishIntermediate

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