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Constructing an argument

Constructing Business Arguments: Effective Office Communication

Enhance your business communication skills with our video on constructing business arguments.

Constructing a persuasive business argument is crucial for effective communication and negotiation in the workplace. This video guides you through a structured approach using 5 essential steps.

  1. Introduce the Problem. Start by clearly stating the issue. For instance, "As an employee, my low wage has impacted my morale".
  2. Make Your Claim. Clearly express what you want to achieve. For example, "I believe it's time to discuss a salary increase for myself".
  3. Give Supporting Evidence. Provide strong evidence to back your claim. Mention specific reasons and examples, such as, "With inflation rising, my current salary is becoming insufficient. I have consistently demonstrated dedication and exceeded performance expectations".
  4. Acknowledge Opposing Views. Show that you understand the other side of the argument. For instance, "While I understand the company's financial considerations, I believe investing in employee satisfaction is essential for long-term success".
  5. Restate Claim. Reiterate your request, emphasizing its importance. For example, "I respectfully request a salary increase to ensure my continued dedication and financial stability".

By following these steps, you will be able to construct compelling business arguments that are clear, concise, and persuasive. Watch our video and practice these techniques to improve your ability to advocate for yourself and your ideas in the workplace.

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