Conjunctions Challenge: Test Your English Skills
Conjunctions are essential for connecting ideas and forming coherent sentences in English. This video presents a fun challenge to help you master the use of conjunctions like "but", "because", and "so".
Here are the sentences from the challenge.
1. I called John, ___ he didn't answer.
Answer: but
Explanation: Use "but" to show contrast between calling John and him not answering.
2. I'm tired ___ I went to bed very late.
Answer: because
Explanation: Use "because" to explain the reason for being tired.
3. It was very late, ___ we took a taxi.
Answer: so
Explanation: Use "so" to show the result of it being late.
4. I called you ___ I was worried.
Answer: because
Explanation: Use "because" to give the reason for calling.
5. She can sing, ___ she can't dance.
Answer: but
Explanation: Use "but" to contrast her ability to sing with her inability to dance.
6. I wasn't hungry, ___ I didn't eat.
Answer: so
Explanation: Use "so" to indicate the consequence of not being hungry.
Practicing these sentences will help you understand how conjunctions work and how they connect ideas within sentences. Conjunctions are crucial for making your speech and writing more fluent and cohesive.
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