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Collocations for Go

Collocations with "Go" in Everyday English

Enhance your English fluency by mastering common collocations with "go" used in daily conversations.

Using the word "go" with the right collocations can make your English sound more natural and fluent. In this video, we cover various common collocations with "go" that are used in everyday conversations.

  • Go fishing, dancing, home: Use these phrases to describe activities or destinations. For example, "I plan to go fishing this weekend", or "Let's go dancing tonight".
  • Go to sleep, Thailand, work: These collocations often include a preposition and a destination or state. For instance, "I need to go to sleep early", or "We're going to Thailand next summer".
  • Go on a trip, date, holiday: Use "go on" followed by a noun to describe planned activities. For example, "We're going on a trip to the mountains", or "She's going on a date tonight".
  • Go for a drink, coffee, ride: This structure is used when suggesting activities. For instance, "Do you want to go for a drink after work?" or "Let's go for a ride".
  • Go to the beach, park, bank: These phrases include a preposition and a specific place. For example, "We're going to the beach this weekend", or "I need to go to the bank".

By learning and using these collocations with "go", you will improve your ability to speak English more naturally. Watch the video to hear these phrases and start incorporating them into your daily language practice. You'll notice a significant improvement in your fluency and confidence when speaking English.

Verbs in use - Upper intermediateGrammarGeneral EnglishUpper Intermediate

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