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Circle back

What Does "Circle Back" Mean? Explained Simply

Learn the meaning of "circle back," a common English phrase used in workplaces to revisit topics or tasks later.

The phrase "circle back" is widely used in English, especially in professional settings, and it means to revisit a topic or task later. Imagine you're discussing an issue in a meeting, but more information is needed. Someone might say, "Let's circle back to this after we gather more data." In this context, "circle back" is a way to indicate returning to something after some time or further progress.

"Circle back" is helpful for deferring discussions without dropping them entirely. For instance, if an idea needs additional work, saying "we'll circle back" keeps it on the agenda. This phrase is also commonly used in emails or meetings to ensure that topics are addressed without losing focus on immediate priorities.

So, the next time you hear "circle back," know it’s a polite way of suggesting a future return to a topic. This phrase adds flexibility and can help organize discussions more effectively.

Collaboration informal expressions - IntermediateVocabularyBusiness EnglishIntermediate

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