Checking Item Availability
When shopping in English-speaking countries, it’s important to know how to ask about product availability. Here are some key phrases to help you communicate effectively with store staff:
1. Do you have this in stock? This is a direct way to ask if the item is available.
2. Is this available right now? Use this phrase to check for immediate availability.
3. Can I get this item here? This is helpful when you’re asking about a specific product.
4. Is this still in stock? Ask this if you’re unsure whether the item is still available.
5. Is this item available? A simple and straightforward question to confirm availability.
6. Do you still carry this? Use this when you’re unsure if the store still stocks the item.
These questions are polite, easy to remember, and will help you get the information you need quickly and efficiently while shopping. Practice these phrases, and you’ll be ready for your next shopping trip!
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