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Buying drinks at the supermarket

Buying Drinks at the Supermarket - Conversation Practice

Improve your English conversation skills by practicing a dialogue about buying drinks at the supermarket. Start reading now!

In this conversation practice, you'll learn useful English phrases for buying drinks at the supermarket. You will take the role of a customer asking for help finding non-alcoholic beer, while the other speaker guides you to the right section and recommends a popular brand.

You'll practice common shopping-related questions, such as "Can you help me find...?" and "How much is it?" This exercise also covers polite interactions in a customer-service setting, such as asking for recommendations, inquiring about prices, and expressing gratitude.

By the end of the conversation, you will feel more confident navigating a supermarket, asking for specific items, and responding politely to store staff. This video is perfect for anyone looking to practice their speaking skills and improve their fluency in English when shopping. Give it a try and boost your confidence!

At the supermarket - Upper intermediateConversationGeneral EnglishUpper Intermediate

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