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But and though

But' vs 'Though': What's the Difference?

Master the usage of "but" and "though" to sound more fluent in English.

"But" is used to connect two contrasting ideas in a sentence. For example, "I need to exercise, but I don't like doing it". It cannot be placed at the end of a sentence.

"Though" can also be used to contrast ideas, similar to "but", but it can be placed at the end of a sentence for emphasis or conversational tone. For example, "I need to exercise. I don't like doing it though".

While both words serve to show contrast, "though" offers more flexibility in sentence placement. This can make your speech sound more natural and nuanced.

Improving your understanding of "but" and "though" will enhance your ability to express contrasting ideas clearly and effectively. Watch the video and start incorporating these tips into your daily conversations. 

Conjunctions - IntermediateGrammarGeneral EnglishIntermediate

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