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American or British pronunciation? 7

British vs American English Pronunciation (Part 6): Are You Saying These Words Right?

Learn how British and American English pronunciations differ. Watch our video to master words and speak like a native!

The differences between British and American English extend beyond vocabulary and spelling; they also influence pronunciation. This video explores how certain words are pronounced differently depending on whether you follow British or American English.

Take the word "neither", for instance. In British English, it's often pronounced "nay·thuh", while in American English, it's commonly "nee·thr." Similarly, the word "niche" is pronounced "neesh" in British English, but many Americans say "nitch."

The word "parliament" is another great example, pronounced "par·luh·muhnt" in British English, whereas some American speakers might say "par·lee·muhnt." Understanding these differences can improve your pronunciation and make you sound more natural when speaking English.

Watch our video to hear these pronunciations, practice them, and decide which style suits you best. Improving your pronunciation will help you sound more confident and fluent, whether you're speaking in a British or American context.

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