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Native-sounding phrases

Mastering English Slang: From Textbook to Native Phrases

Upgrade your English with common slang phrases. Learn to speak like a native with this engaging video lesson.

Learning English slang is essential for sounding more like a native speaker. This video highlights the difference between textbook English and common slang phrases used by native speakers, helping you understand and use these phrases naturally in conversation.

Here are some examples covered in the video.

  • Textbook English: I need to start over.
    Native English: I need to go back to square one.
  • Textbook English: Thank you very much!
    Native English: Thanks a million!
  • Textbook English: My friend ignored me.
    Native English: My friend gave me the cold shoulder.
  • Textbook English: That woman has a unique personality.
    Native English: That woman is a real character.

These phrases add color and personality to your conversations, making them more lively and relatable. For instance, saying "Thanks a million!" instead of "Thank you very much!" conveys a higher level of enthusiasm and gratitude.

Watch our video to hear these phrases in action and practice along. Incorporating slang into your vocabulary will help you understand native speakers better and make your English more lively and authentic. 

Slang - ProficiencyTipsGeneral EnglishProficiency

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