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"Back against the wall"

"Back Against the Wall" Meaning

Discover what "back against the wall" means and how to use it in negotiation contexts.

The phrase "back against the wall" comes from a scenario where a person must fight with their back against a wall, leaving no room for retreat. In negotiations, it describes a situation where one party has no choice but to accept the other party's proposal.

Consider a business negotiation where a company faces financial difficulties and lacks alternatives. The opposing party makes an offer, and the company realizes that rejecting it would worsen their situation. They are "back against the wall", meaning they must accept the offer.

Some exemples using "back against the wall" in sentence:

  • "With no other funding options available, the startup had its back against the wall and accepted the investor's terms".
  • "During the merger talks, the smaller company felt their back against the wall and had to agree to the larger company's conditions".

By incorporating this idiom into your vocabulary, you can more accurately describe high-pressure situations where choices are limited. Watch the video, practice using the idiom in sentences, and improve your negotiation language skills.

Negotiations - AdvancedVocabularyBusiness EnglishAdvanced

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