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At the optician’s office

Glasses Fitting Conversation Practice: Learn Key Phrases

Master useful English phrases for picking up your new glasses and getting them fitted with this practical conversation practice video.

In this video, you’ll learn common phrases used when picking up and trying on new glasses. This conversation is a great example of the type of dialogue you might experience at an optician’s office.

The conversation begins with the customer providing their name and receiving their new glasses. Phrases like “Can I get your name, please?” and “Do you want to try them on?” are common in such situations. The customer, Emily Clark, tries on the glasses and expresses satisfaction by saying, “They feel great!” This type of interaction is typical when getting fitted for glasses.

The optician also mentions, “If you need any adjustments, let us know,” which is a helpful phrase when there’s a need for any final tweaks to ensure the glasses fit perfectly.

Learning these phrases will help you navigate glasses fittings with ease, whether you’re picking up new glasses or adjusting an existing pair. Practicing this vocabulary ensures that you can communicate confidently in everyday situations, making your experience at the optician’s office smoother and more comfortable.

Going shopping - IntermediateConversationGeneral EnglishIntermediate

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