Prepare for your immigration interview with this conversation practice example to help you answer common questions smoothly.
An immigration interview can be a stressful part of traveling, but practicing key phrases and responses can help ease your nerves. In this video, we’ll go through a simple conversation that you might encounter when entering the United States.
• Oscar: Hello, may I have your passport and boarding pass, please?
Michelle: Yes. Here it is.
• Oscar: What’s the purpose of your visit?
Michelle: The purpose?
Oscar: Yes, why do you come to the US?
Michelle: I am here for vacation.
• Oscar: I see. Where are you staying?
Michelle: I am staying at a friend’s apartment.
• Oscar: Do you have the address?
Michelle: Yes. Here it is.
• Oscar: I see. Everything looks correct. Welcome to the US.
Michelle: Thanks!
This conversation demonstrates the types of questions you may be asked and how to respond confidently. Use this as a template to prepare for your own immigration interview!
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