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Asking the bus driver

Asking a Bus Driver for Directions: Conversation Practice

Enhance your English by practicing a conversation with a bus driver for directions.

This video focuses on a common scenario: Asking a bus driver for the route. Here’s the conversation you will practice:

  • Red: Excuse me! Does this bus go to Central Park?
  • Blue: Yes, it does. You'll need to stay on until the fifth stop.
  • Red: Fifth stop, okay. About how long will that take?
  • Blue: It should take around 15 minutes, depending on traffic.
  • Red: Great, thanks for the information.
  • Blue: You’re welcome. I will announce your stop.
  • Red: That’s great. Thanks again!
  • Blue: No problem. Have a nice trip!

In this conversation, you will learn how to inquire about your destination, understand the response, and thank the driver. The bus driver confirms that the bus goes to Central Park and advises staying on until the fifth stop, which will take around 15 minutes.

This is an excellent way to prepare for real-life situations where you need to navigate public transportation. Watch the video, practice along, and soon you’ll feel more comfortable asking for directions in English.

Transport and travel - AdvancedConversationGeneral EnglishAdvanced

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