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Ask for someone on the phone

How to Ask for Someone on the Phone Professionally

Master professional phone etiquette with 3 steps for asking to speak with someone.

This video will teach you how to ask for someone on the phone in a professional manner by following 3 simple steps.

  1. Greetings. Start your call with a polite greeting, such as: "Good morning!".
  2. Introduce Yourself. State your name and the company you represent. For example, "This is Michelle from Fluentjoy company".
  3. Ask if the Person is Available. Politely inquire if the person you need to speak with is available.
    For examples: "Is María available?" or "May I speak with María?".

Bonus Tip: If you need to speak to someone in a specific department, mention it clearly. For example, "Could you please connect me with María in the HR department?".

Here’s how you can combine the 3 steps into a smooth, professional phone call:

"Good morning! This is Michelle from Fluentjoy company. Could you please connect me with María in the HR department?"

By following these 3 steps, you'll master the way to ask for someone on the call.

Phone calls at work - IntermediateTipsBusiness EnglishIntermediate

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